Alpha Males (2022– )
Brilliant series, buuuuuut...
13 April 2023
Brilliant series, buuuuuut... What's the deal with damned-near EVERY series pushing the spineless, weak man narrative!? Why is this even a thing!? Women, even when they do BLATANT wrong, it's just, "oh, it's empowering women..." blah blah blah... No, it's straight-up hypocrisy, is what it is.

Women want all the power and freedom of men, plus more, but with none of the responsibility.

What man, in his right mind (besides Will Smith) allows his wife to have an open relationship because he's terrified of losing her!? Weak modern men, is who. At least, that's absolutely the case, if you allow modern (gynocratic) media to tell it.

There's absolutely no freaking way that I'm in a relationship with a chick and giving her free reign without borders, because Will Smith is the result of that... and I'm gonna throw this out there, it's absolutely fine to be a straight, masculine man who is a no-nonsense commonsense pragmatist, consistent to a fault. Absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever.

You want tips on how to consistently be handed the kitten, deal with women in a manner that's contrary to what's being shown in this series: do NOT be a walkover and allow them to violate you without consequences; a man has to be willing to leave a woman who Will Smith's (emasculates) him. Otherwise it'll only be a matter of time before she'll leave you; once a woman loses respect and attraction for a man, it's a WRAP.

Good series with great actors.
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