Lone Star Law (2016– )
"Uhh ... Derrr ... We're Saving the Oyster Population ... we're heroes"
9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't watch this show anymore. The first couple/few seasons were good, with some of the old timers, but Season 5 on are just unwatchable.

These wardens all think they are so original, blubbering every time they write a ticket, about how they're "saving the oyster population" or "fish populations" - usually adding some concluding ubiquitous comment about "For future generations." Soooo sick of hearing it ... it's literally all they blabbermouth about, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, except a couple of the old timers (the only ones worth watching), and they just all spit out the same line, over and over, as if they're original.

It's supposed to be a tv show about wardens and the "interesting" things they do (first four seasons weren't bad), and instead all it is is a bunch of self-righteous schmucks, who were lucky enough to land one of the few game warden jobs available, drone on and on about how they are saving the planet (yeah, real surprise here morons, but those of us watching the show already know what game wardens do, in general, and we already understand the importance of regulating and protecting wildlife (in fact, unlike most of you actual wardens, we actually went to college and learned about the "tragedy of the commons" in depth, so we don't need to listen to your brainless comments on it).

I swear, season 5 on it's just every single one of these characterless drones spewing about how great they are and how they're saving the planet, and how, thank god they showed up in time to stop some poor starving Mexican from eating a fish he caught, because he has no license, and how they're so wonderful, because they stole the poor starving Mexican's fish and gave it away to a family in need (some middle American who is fat and filthy rich by comparison to the Mexican they took the fish away from).

I guess what is, is this - there is nothing worse than listening to a moron attempt to address and discuss complex topics, topics that the average viewer now a days (all college graduates) understands far better. They literally give the same speech, EVERY SINGLE ONE THEM, and yet each one thinks he/she is original. I can't listen to it anymore.

(Having said all of that - the first four seasons, prior to when that one awesome old timer retired, were worth watching. After that, it's a bunch of self-righteous young kids on power trips and giving speeches about how they are saving the planet. If that's your thing - watch it. If not, run away.
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