Fun surprise of a movie
6 March 2023
I had no idea what this was when I turned it on. I was expecting a documentary like you used to see on VH1. I was completely surprised, and briefly disappointed, to discover it was a dramatized retelling. I almost turned it off - but within just a few minutes I was hooked! I couldn't believe they got the likes of Wallace Langham and Dan Castelleneta to be in it. And that was just the beginning. The casting of the three Angels was spot on. Who knew you could do a Jaclyn Smith impression! But Christina Chambers channeled her uncannily. Same with Kate Jackson/Lauren Stamile. And Tricia Helfer was perfect as Farrah, right down to the smile. I didn't even recognize her at first because I just saw Farrah - and I follow Tricia on IG. I've recently started a rewatch of Charlie's Angel's and they got so many details right. This really seems like it was a labor of love.

I'm also a massive Stargate fan and I nearly swooned to see Ben Browder as Lee Majors. Again, just great casting. It's a good thing I am a fan because he was so good at being a massive jerk here. It's easy to see how Majors' real life fragile ego nearly ended Farrah's career and caused a top show to be canceled, not to mention costing the entire crew their jobs. I know the movie wasn't always accurate but, knowing a bit of real life events, it felt real enough. And the tone is always tongue in cheek. Yes, they did make changes for time and story telling. For example, they completely left out that David Ogden Stiers was in the pilot movie. Also, I was left wanting to find out more about Farrah's manager. When he said at the end he went in to manage Suzanne Somers, another actress who quit a hit show and destroyed her career, I have to wonder if he played more of a role in mismanaging Farrah than the movie let on.

Fun fact: there were at least 3 other Stargate actors who showed up here, not to mention Dan C who guest starred on an episode. Gary Jones' nipple speech was unforgettable, btw.

Everyone involved here looked like they must have been having a ball. I especially loved how the characters kept pitching show ideas that would all be immediately rejected - shows that went on to be massive hits like American Idol and Grey's Anatomy. It was fun watching for other Easter Eggs like John Forsyth telling Spelling to remember him for his "next dynasty". Or toddler Tori Spelling asking if she can grow up to be in her dad's shows. They also did an amazing job recreating the Seventies, right down to actual outfits worn by the actresses on the show or in real life. Check out the blink and you miss it perfect recreations of period living rooms and offices.

My biggest problem is that I wanted it to be at least 3 times as long. This isn't actually a full behind the scenes of the show. It's more about Farrah and her time on the show. Jaclyn and Kate are more like supporting roles. David Doyle played by Bill Dow only shows up for a few minutes, which was probably for the best. I enjoy Dow as an actor but his Bosley impression was super weak compared to the three Angels. The movie ends when Cheryl Ladd shows up for season 2. I have to admit, I was never a big fan of Farrah and actually liked Chris Monroe better. I wish they made a part two.

In the end, I never knew about Jaclyn's conservative background. And I know now just a hint of why something about Kate always rubbed me the wrong way. Are there any big bombshells here? No. But it's a fun, fast way to spend 90 minutes.
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