Three Different Cases
24 January 2023
The entire team is back together investigating three different cases. Grissom, Sara, Nick and Capt. Brass meet at a fire of a trailer in a park, where there was an explosion. The victims are the owner Selena March and an unidentified man. Soon they find that the place was not a meth lab, but there were various materials and source of ignition and no leak in the gas pipe. When Greg learns that the male victim is the mortgage broker Robert Durgee, his wife becomes the prime suspect since her name is on the insurance card. Meanwhile, Catherine, Warrick and Det. Louis Vartann investigate a woman found dead wearing a shopping bag, underwear and rubber boots and no documents in a homeless area. Soon they identify the owner of the boots, Eddie Vonner, from the streets and sanitation maintenance. However, the man is a good Samaritan that gave her the boots and drop her off nearby the location where she was murdered. Greg, Sara and Det. Sofia Curtis, who left criminalist to be detective, investigate a Pontiac found in a desert parking lot with two decomposed bodies in the trunk. In the autopsy, Dr. Robbins concludes that the victims are a black teenage woman and a Caucasian man. They proceed their investigation checking the missing persons database and believe that the teenager is Clara James.

"Bodies in Motion" is the first episode of the Sixth Season of CSI with some modifications. Now the team is reunited after Greg's kidnapping. Warrick is married in a surprising revelation. And Sofia Curtis left the laboratory to become a detective. The three cases of the drunken driver, the homeless stripper and the drug dealer are interesting and very well-resolved after the investigation. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Bodies in Motion"
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