Review of Empty Places

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Empty Places (2003)
Season 7, Episode 19
Slouching slowly towards the Hell Mouth
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As the people of Sunnydale start moving out, the gang try to find out more about Caleb. Giles sends Spike and Andrew to a Church where Caleb committed some murders. The Sunnydale cops are trying to get Faith. Xander returns from hospital. Giles, Willow, Xander, Anya, Dawn, Wood and the potential slayers turn against Buffy and want to make Faith their leader.

Why It's So Good - Things are getting tense as mistakes are made, and Faith seems like a possible leadership option.

Watch Out For - More of those onion flower things.

Quote - " You can't swing a cat without hitting some kind of demonic activity. Not that I swing cats, or eat-nope. Heh. Cuttin' way back. Cholesterol-morals. I mean, morals." - Clem.

Rating - 8.
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