Excellent British Spy Drama
12 December 2022
'A Spy Amongst Friends' is a demanding dramatic production. It insists its audience vest close attention in both the key actors, and the rather complex plotline.

Set in the sixties era of the early cold war, it is a classic British spy drama.

For me, supported by an exceptional supporting cast, it is Anna Maxwell Martin who stands out as a performer. Her character, Lily Thomas, is delightfully situated. In her role, she delivers. Her character is positioned as an antithetical antagonist to the misogynist MI5 organisational culture. In a male dominated social space, entrenched by upper class British intellectuals, and peers of the realm, stupidity falls at the feet of the old boys club.

Lily Thomas is literally the cat amongst the pigeons, tasked to evaluate and assess a senior MI6 (SIS) spymaster. Noncompliant with the male network of trust and innately insular existential social hierarchy, she (Lily), cuts through the masculine dogma and gender obfuscation.

This is a fictional drama which uses mostly real world player's involved in a time of near collapse of the British secret services. It is very well written. Actors et al deliver a collective continuum of stella performances. This is not an action movie, but for the attentive, vested viewer it is exciting, compelling and highly rewarding.
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