Golden Globes for Radcliffe and everyone!
6 November 2022
I was expecting the real story of this master of parody, but of course we can't have that. It took until about halfway through for me to realize this was nothing more than a parody of biographies of celebrities. True, a few details early in the movie may have been close to accurate. But about halfway through, imagine that Al decided to write original songs instead of parodies. So we go from the details of Al's life being changed like Al changed lyrics, to a completely fictional story.

And what a story it is! Weird Al's early career was brilliantly done. At some point the whole thing became just silly, but still entertaining. And then what happens just before the end really makes it all work.

I've enjoyed Weird Al's career ever since the first time I saw his story on "E. T.", back when I actually enjoyed celebrity news. I was lucky enough to live in an area with a "Dr. Demento" affiliate so I had the opportunity to enjoy this brilliant man and his greatest discovery until we moved out of the area and, besides, that radio station started playing "beautiful music", which I enjoyed too. I've kind of lost track of Al's career since then, but I never stopped liking his work, regardless of whether I liked the music it was based on, which I usually didn't.

And I sort of liked the Harry Potter movies, but I never thought those stories were the greatest thing ever. But Daniel Radcliffe has another great role in his significant repertoire. Maybe not Oscar worthy, but the Golden Globes do honor comedy., Al is not just funny. There is quite a range in this role.

And what a role! He is the greatest music star ever! I told you this was fiction.

The other standout performer is Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna. She is perfection as the Madonna of early music videos, at least in the way she dresses, and the stereotypical image of the superstar. Only here she is a failure as a performer. And she's not going to forget what Al did to her.

Rainn Wilson is great as Dr, Demento. Probably an over the top exaggeration. The man is almost always in a tux and top hat, after all. And he has a serious side too.

Toby Huss is Kurtwood Smith as Red Forman on steroids. Smith would have been perfect for the role of Al's father 20 years ago. The Dad is overdone but ultimately shows a tender side.

Julianne Nicholson is good as Al's mom.

I always like Thomas Lennon ever since he was Felix Unger. He's good here as the man who gets Al's career started in a way not to be believed.

Al himself brilliantly overplays the record executive who rejected his fictional counterpart. I kept thinking there was something familiar about that face. Will Forte is great as his sidekick.

The actors playing Al's roommates and later his band are quite good, as actors and musicians. At least they portray musicians. I'm not clear on whether they really played.

And about the music. I loved the polka music played early. You know this is fiction because no group teenagers is going to be that enthusiastic, or have any feelings for, anything like that. I also liked the mariachi music in a scene in Mexico. Don't ask. I'll just say Al goes through a Rambo phase in his fictional life.

Other than that, let's just say I like what Al did with the music rather than the original music itself.

I didn't pay that much attention to the background music.

Oh, and you won't believe what they do with Michael Jackson's "Beat It"'. I was disappointed Jackson himself wasn't shown.

Getting back to actors: plenty of celebrities are portrayed by others in cameos. I don't think anyone appeared as himself or herself but there were a lot of good lines from the actors who did appear.

There's more. When Al is on LSD, the visual effects are amazing. Not pleasant for me, but great work.

And there is really well done animation and art work in a scene toward the end.

Is it family friendly? Well, there is some sexual content involving Madonna but it's pretty tame. And some overdone violence which is really just cartoonish. And the usual drinking and drugs.

Oh, and you have to stay to the end to see what must be actual photos of Al's life, and some that aren't. It's clear by the end of that sequence a lot of that stuff never happened.

A great job by everyone.
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