oh wow NOT good
5 November 2022
You know, i got made fun of pretty frequently in the 80s for buying Weird Al records instead of Madonna or Michael Jackson. I went to second hand shops to dig out cassette tapes of Dare To Be Stupid and In 3D.

I never belonged to the Weird Al Fan Club, but i was as much of a fan as you could be with what limited distribution his music got.

So, if you market to me a film called "The Weird Al Yankovic STORY", hell yeah, i'm gonna watch it.

Hoping, you know, that the Weird Al STORY actually contains Weird Al's story.

... which it doesn't.

So, let's get that out of the way. There is approximately 0% Weird Al biography in this film.

What you do get instead is a pretty lame story that has been done much better before in The Pick Of Destiny, of a kid who wants "to rock". Weird Al goes to one gig, immediately becomes a multimillionaire rock star, and the he kills Pablo Escobar.

..uh .. that's it.

There's tons of cameos - for instance, the IRL Weird Al playing the record producer who tells him "you are the most talentless musician i have ever heard", and there's also tons of obviously-fake (i'm talking about halloween costume level) celebrities, such as Not Madonna, Not Hulk Hogan, Not Oprah, Not Frank Zappa, but this was already done in Zoolander 2 and as you can see from the review of that film, it didn't do well.

Frankly, this film is bad. It's not badly made, or badly acted, but the story really leaves to be desired. Compare this to the excellent script of The Pick Of Destiny, where there is a clear motivation for the protagonists, a mcGuffin, an antagonist, where you can actually feel for the chatracters as they advance towards their goal.

Instead WTWAYS is just a jumble of scenes whose sole common thread is an unmotivated character. Sure, you do get maybe 3 Weird Al songs, which always makes the film better, but if you have the time, go watch instead the magnificent UHF, which is at least ten times better than this mess.

My vote: 5.5/10 - incoherent.
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