Silent Hill 2 (2001 Video Game)
An average horror gaming experience.
25 August 2022
Silent Hill 2 is a pretty average game. I really don't see what all the 10/10 reviewers are seeing that i am not.

This review is from someone who hasn't played any Silent Hill before it (including the first one). So maybe this is the reason as to why i'm not as big of a fan. Also i have absolutely no nostalgia for this game whatsoever.

The story of the game is fine (i guess). It is still to me (even after completing the game) a little confusing. I won't spoil it here but from what i understood and the ending i got i would say the story is passable but nothing particularly good.

The characters of the game are just meh. Simple as that. Rarely interesting and not unique in my eyes. Unique isn't always good but i will forget about these characters very quickly as i didn't care for any of them. That includes the main lead character and the enemies. Speaking of which, there are around 3 enemies in the game (that aren't bosses) that all look slightly different but act pretty much the same to me. Slightly different but not enough to make me go wow when a new one was introduced. The cast of this game was mediocre at best in my eyes. I played with the new voices not the old for the people wandering.

The horror aspect of this game is fine. But like everything else it's not particularly great. Everyone seem to praise this as if it's the best part of the game and is amazing compared to other horror titles. I completely disagree. The game could be terrifying to a 9 year old sure but anyone over the age of 15 that regularly plays horror won't find it like that at all. I thought the horror aspect was fine. The ambiance of the world and the enemy designs and sounds can be (at times) a little unsettling, but that's as far as it can ever go. Overall, the horror is fine but not as good as people claim in my eyes.

The gameplay of this game is fine. It's not particularly great or anything but it doesn't need to be. It's a survival horror going for more story and horror feel i believe. The gameplay whilst not being great is absolutely passable when it comes to this type of game. Also considering the release date of the game. I must say however, i did not like how much searching was involved. During the later parts of the game i used a walkthrough guide to complete the game as i couldn't be bothered searching and searching for minutes at a time. Even if you like exploration in games this will not do it for you. Exploring in this world for hours can feel tiring. Especially if you don't know what you're looking for.

The visuals are fine. For the time the game came out these visuals look absolutely fine. Like the gameplay it's not at all breath-taking, but isn't at all bad. That being said there where times the world felt repetitive for me, but this is largely saved by the game length. Any longer and it would start to get boring i believe.

Story - 4.5/10

Characters - 3.5/10

Horror - 5.5/10

Gameplay - 5/10

Visuals - 6/10

Overall this game isn't at all bad, just not as good as everyone claims.

5/10, don't recommend but it's not bad.
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