Mr. Robot: eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg (2015)
Season 1, Episode 2
23 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think that this episode packs quite as much punch as the pilot, but it most definitely delivers some great set up for the future.

It starts with Tyrell being shown to have a pretty weird fixation with Elliot, and for the rest of the episode this is left as kind of a mystery.

Then there's the introduction to Vera, who you'd think from this episode would only serve as a reason for Elliot to not have morphine anymore, but you would be so wrong. And man is he a piece of work, and perfectly played by Elliot Villar.

Then there's Elliot doing more morphine than he should, Ollie getting hacked, and all of this is brilliant set up because it still remains interesting to watch, and everything that I noted was amazing about the first episode is also amazing here.

I did still note a few cheesy or questionable lines of dialogue, and it seemed to me like we kind of entirely skipped over Elliot figuring out how to hack Steel Mountain without killing anyone. There's a single shot that hints at what he's planning, but it's not something you'd ever be able to make a connection between it and the hack unless you've already seen the show, so it feels a little rushed when in the very next scene, he tells Mr. Robot that he has a different plan that we barely got to see any of.

But so far, the show is just as great as I remember, if not more so, and I'm really glad I decided to return to it.
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