Disappointing after so many years in production
31 July 2022
I've been following this case for nearly three decades. I've been waiting for this documentary for many years also. It's been in production since about 2008, I think.

I cannot believe this is the finished product. Even the story of the aliens landing and the children seeing them and the spaceship isn't told very well.

It's disjointed and so much that could have been in just isn't here.

I would have liked a detailed story of what actually happened in the first 50 minutes of the documentary, and then an analysis of what other people in the UFO scene thought back then and now. Then we could have had interviews of the children back then and now.

But this documentary is all over the place. For some reason which I cannot fathom, the documentary centers on one girl who was at the school and is now a grown woman. She goes back there and her visit, to be honest, isn't interesting. It's what happened back then we're crying out to see and hear.

So much is wasted on her and her mental state. There are some familiar faces of the children then and now. But these interviews are in snippets, short, and don't add much.

There's also a lot spent on the humiliation Dr John Mack suffered but why put this in? Surely it would have been better to keep this out. Don't harm the man's reputation needlessly. Don't question it. Praise him. It's not the duty of this documentary to state the alien landing did not happen. That it was a dream of some sort. It's not the duty to say Dr Mack was stupid to believe it. Children don't lie.

All in all, a disappointing documentary. I'd waited so long and the best things in it are the interviews with the children, nearly 30 years ago.
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