The Wire: All Due Respect (2004)
Season 3, Episode 2
Sweeping leaves on a windy day
21 July 2022
Colvin gets increasingly frustrated with established methods of policing and issues a unique directive.

This is a very strong and at times humorous episode.

The plot lays solid foundations for the big events that are to come in the season 3 and also the development character arcs in the show.

Bunny Colvin is one of the most important characters during this season and it starts here. There are a number of great scenes of him listening to the self-serving directives filtering down the command chain and observing his officers fighting the never ending 'war on drugs' with the same old strong-arm tactics. This leads to the important scene with the Deacon and his famous paper bag speech, which are classic moments for 'The Wire'. Robert Wisdom seems so natural in the role he made me feel that if my town needed a sheriff, he'd be the one.

Embodying much of Colvin's frustrations are Herc and Carver, soldiering around the western yapping about Gus Triandos and listening to 'Shaft'. This makes for frequent bouts of hilarity along with their brilliant off-duty visit to the movies.

There is lots of screen time for other characters that put various plot threads into action. Most notably McNulty who has a key role, and his scene with Donette feels incredibly awkward yet very well made. Dominic West is in top form throughout the episode showing the most entertaining aspects of his character: arguing, sulking and fumbling about drunk.

The weakest aspect for me is the "who's your dawg" scene. As amusing as the concept is, I think the misunderstanding drags out for too long. That being said the actors play it fantastically, particularly Clifford Smith Jr.
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