"I was my hands!"
12 July 2022
Talented and handsome pianist Vernon Paris (James Stapleton) loses his precious hands in a car accident. Pioneering surgery means he gets a new pair of hands sewn on but they are very strong and have murderous tendencies that Paris cannot control. This is the fourth film version of the classic tale "The Hands of Orlac", for sure it's not up there with the previous adaptations but it isn't too shabby either. Vernon's descent into madness and murder is well done, one of my favourite scenes is at a fairground at night where he really starts to lose it. He has a sister Dina, with whom he has a very close relationship, perhaps even a little too close. She is played by Joan Harvey who sadly overacts. Film looks good in black and white and has a few disturbing scenes. First time viewing for me and I thought it fairly good but nothing more.
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