Game of Thrones: Home (2016)
Season 6, Episode 2
Things are moving fast
15 April 2022
The major event that should've happened in the first episode takes place at the end of this episode. Not really a shocker though, as most people expected this. But if this happens in the first one then 'The Red Woman' takes on a whole new meaning. The sequence involving younger versions of older characters is a delight to watch. Liam Cunningham as Davos is outstanding as usual. Things are moving really fast as Theon goes home from outskirts of Winterfell to Pyke in one episode. Sansa, Brienne and Pod get to the wall from about the same place in two episodes while Bran and his companions took a whole season to get to the wall from Winterfell. But that's nothing compared to what Littlefinger and Varys achieve in the later parts of the season. Wheels are about to fall off you realize but the ride is still enjoyable so you don't care.
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