Again My Life (2022)
He is so staunch, relentless and dauntless and fearless.
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! The opening of "Again my Life" shows Joon Gi's His impressive martial Arts skills......but no subtitles yet. I know how Viki works. First day watch with no subtitles, next day watch again with subtitles so you get a double dose of his magic. Just awesome and amazing just to watch him at work once more. Makes me so happy. He is so staunch, relentless and dauntless and fearless. His magnificent skills are showcased in that first episode but he is worked over first by two larger women who look like twins who are use to fighting together in tandem. Although he beats them he meet another even larger man with even stronger skills. In his already weakened state. His antagoniser almost chokes him to death but then his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills come to the fore when he is on the ground. His opponent is much larger and stronger than him and flips him even when LJG has dislocated his shoulder. He (the opponent) viciously beats him in the face injects him with a drug and throws him over the side of the high building that they have been fighting on. As he fall he has visions as the cityscape flashes before as he falls. He finds himself standing back on that building watching his killer smoking. He is puzzled and sees a woman in red standing beside him. Is this a reaper? She shows him his past and explains his purpose. She sends him back in time to his school days where he was working in a convenience store. He is amazed with his transformation. Memories of his parents flood his mind and how he mistreated them when his mum always left him breakfast when she went to work early in the morning. Then one day they die and he is sorry for his misconduct In his return to life he runs all the way home to find them still alive. He is so happy to be able to repent for his behaviours. They are amazed with his new actions. They think that they are dreaming. He vows to be a better son and person. Later at school he has a vision of his parents death. He knows the date of their death and wonders if he can stop it. Is he trying to stop them from going to work on that day but fails? So he hurries to meet them when he knows the time and place of the accident where they are killed. He gets there before the car comes and his parents appear. He remembers everything about his previous life. He had looked up all the details of his parents demised so knows exactly what happened. He goes to wait outside his parents work place for them. He walks home with them. He stops them from being hit........or does he.

Well that what I got from it without subtitles. My interpretation is pretty close.

Episode 2: This was much harder to understand without subtitles but I get the drift that because of his prior knowledge of events he can predict what going to happen and he goes out of his way to change the events of people who are close to him both those he knows and those he doesn't. He is working slowly and carefully through these challenges. He quietly watches and listens behind scenes as he gathers information against the evil doers.

When I'm rewatching (with subtitles) and making a comparison with the first and second episode. I see that he is pretty arrogant, ambitious and over confident in the that first part. He just jumps in with no thought of the consequences as a result what happens..... Second time around because of his previous experiences he is more cautious and looks like he is going to find the the damning evidence about the evil doers before he makes his next move. He is sussing out all of the conspirators and how they all fit in together. In his first life he got under their skin of so many high profile people no wonder he was killed. He needs to gather his evidence more throughly this new time that he is given. He is told that if he is too hasty he might be killed again.

The slowness of the subtitles input has given me a chance to really investigate what is happening in this drama and analyse every part of it very closely. Love it so far. He is the master at work.

One of things I do understand is that his martial art strengths have enabled him to protect himself and loved ones against violence and bullies.

Episode 3: So he is fighting the guy that killed him but he is immovable. Kim Hee-woo is just wasting his energy. That guy is so much stronger that he is. It's just like watching his first fight with him and he is just getting pummelled. I personally just hate watching LJG getting hurt like that. Finally he's just technically knocked out like before with no fight left in him. Is he going to die again? Obviously not. He's the main actor. What is going to happen to him. It's like a reenactment. Oh No! He is thrown over the bridge but surprise surprise. Yeah! Watch it! "Again my Life"

He's going to toughen himself up by the looks of things. More gruelling workouts on the cards. The trainer is good. Really good. He is really muscular too. Wow! Kim Hee-woo is going to be much stronger he is even running with weights.

He has got a way with the ladies that he has got to know and changed their destiny. They like him and he is tutoring Kim Han Mi. She is doing very well. He is helping all of them and they appreciate him.

The photography in this drama is immaculate and crystal clear.

LJG must be happy that he is working with one of the veterans of Korean actors guild - Lee Soon Jae. He is very old now 87 but he's still got it.

He is sussing out some of the key players and the property market. I'm not up with the play on that. Now he is talking to the tenants that are being evicted. He is seeking legal advice from a lawyer he worked with to gain experience. He is going to the auctions. He must have won on his bid.

What is Kim Han-mi dad up to he seems to be buying her off or something. The money was for her university tuition. Is that her brother that caused her to be slapped by her dad? He brother insults her and she retaliates. That is why her dad hits her. Her brother had been giving her drugs in the past. She has poor self esteem because she hasn't been loved and cared for by her father who had her on the wrong side of the bed.

Koreans have a high culture of drinking their problems away. Is she telling Kim Hee-woo her sad story.

There is a lot of dialogue in this episode really need subs now. I know I have to wait which gives me time to dissect all of the acting and body language. Long dialogue is hard to interpret without Korean understanding or subtitles.

Kim Hee-woo is meeting with the Law student body President. Is the Pres. Recruiting him (Kim Hee-woo) for Cho Tae Seob cartel ( remember no subs yet)? I'm just guessing! He is meeting key players. He lived before so he already knows what type of people he is dealing with. Is he going to join their club so he can get information? Now with subs I can see that they are definitely grooming him for their Secret Law Department Club at Hanguk University. All of the top prosecutors have been in that club. So my guess was right. They really don't understand his intentions. They have let the wolf into the sheep pen. They are telling him that they are going to get rid of Wu Song Su. Hee-woo mentor. Is Hee-woo going to save him too? Hee-woo warned him and saved him. Wow! He gave all of his investment money to Hee-woo and believes he came from heaven. Hee-woo is rich. This is amazing. He wants him to use the money to do good. The old man knows that he is going to die soon. His advice to Hee-woo is to always look at the big picture. Don't lose yourself in your quest. All that money could go to his head.

He keeps meeting up with that old man. Who is he? I'm looking up cast information. He seems to be a helpful person. Lee Soon-jae as Woo Yong-soo, a rich businessman who mentors Hee-woo regarding real estate investments. So that is what he is doing.

Hee-woo goes to a Cho Tae Seob rally. He sees a woman. She looks exactly like that red reaper that he met when he died. She said they may meet again. He is astounded when he sees her.

Episode 4: I keep wondering what has Cho Tae Seob done to this woman or what will he do for her to become a reaper. At this stage and time frame. Does she know Wee-hoo or not? So many questions but so intrigued. Does he groom children from childhood?

Oh Min Guk is having drinks with Kim Hee-ah when Hee-woo turns up.

That guy is still watching her. Is she the one from the Cheonha Group? She is the female main actor in this drama. Oh Min Guk gets very drunk and Hee-woo sends him home in a taxi. Kim Hee-ah has disappeared when Hee-woo turn around. I man is following her. He fights with Hee-woo. The guy is a good fighter. He is obviously trained. Kim Hee-ah sees them fighting she knows him. He must be her body guard.

Someone is watching him training. Cheonha Group is watching him. They know now that Hee-woo is an extraordinary student. That bodyguard knows he trains and that he is very strong. They are impressed with him. Oh Min Guk especially is totally impressed. She hates Cho Tae Seob.

Hee-woo has a way with woman but he needs to be careful that they don't take advantage of his sweetness and kindness.

Oh Min Guk introduces him to a friend. Something bad happened to this new student friend. It is hard to tell what his dilemma id without subs even tough we have some sort of flashback. Moon Sung-hwan, Hee-woo's friend who is an app developer

What is Cho Tae Seob talking about with Kim Hee-ah's father.

Why is Cho Tae Seob male secretary begging. Is he telling him to eliminate someone. It's not the secretary it is someone else. Looks like he is being killed as the assassin comes in to take him away. It looks like it is the new friends father.

His parent opened a restaurant it seems to be doing well.

He remembers that he is younger now and hasn't done his military training.

Is he truly love working with these people? Need subs! So he has got them all working against each other. I hope it works and doesn't backfire because they are all on Cho Tae Soeb payroll.
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