Harmonious dance of science, philosophy, and religion
28 March 2022
It's astonishing how fortunate we are to feel the way we do when watching nature unfold. This majestic and ethereal spectacle that warms our hearts. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we must feel infinitely thankful for how evolution shaped us in a way that lets us marvel so profoundly at nature.

The more we learn about how humans work, how society works, how civilization works, how biology and physics work, how the collapse of a star will impact distant galaxies, the more we realize that everything is connected. Time and space is one sandbox in which infinitely small events play with other ones of unbounded cosmological proportions, all in a perfectly deterministic manner.

This teaches us that the only way we can feel what we're all truly looking for, which is to be loved, is to show our love to the world. To show it to other people, to animals, to plants, to the wind, to nature. Because nature is everything there is to know, and love. Because you are nature. Because loving nature is loving yourself. And the more you will learn about the world, the more this will all make sense.

This is what this movie is about.
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