28 March 2022
A weird anti-war film from 1948 starring Dean Stockwell. A boy, bald, sits in a police station incommunicado until a kindly therapist (Robert Ryan) shows up w/some food which loosens the imp's tongue to divulge his story which will unfold during the next 90 minutes or so. Unloved (at least he believes so) & passed among adults, this orphan (his parents have passed during the recent World War) lives his life simply until one day after a bath, his hair is now bright green in color, which prompts ridicule from his classmates & sends him into a state whereby he decries the horrors of war. This is a long presumption to be had from the slimmest of coincidences which may've not fallen on kind ears since we were the big victors of WWII, a war for most to have been waged on the surest of rationales but the fable is not completely tone deaf since the film's heart is in the right place & war should be the last resort to any conflict.
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