Bizarre. Very Japanese.
28 March 2022
This is a twisted retelling of biblical prophecy/history from the perspective of Satan.

Jesus is the Tyrannical villain and the Satan/Lucifer character (Hakaider) is the "liberator" of humanity.

In the fashion of very Japanese story telling in this low budget flick is campy, hokey, existential, extremely bizarre with allegorical imagery, explosions and borderline nonsensical action sequences.

If you're into that sort of weirdness you'll probably enjoy it.

I gave it 6 stars just because it was so damned weird to be entertaining...if not downright blasphemous.

Satan truly is at work around the world with his PR teams trying to skew people's opinions of Spiritual battle that surrounds us every day.

Watch this as silly entertainment but don't get confused as to who is the REAL threat to our existence.
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