National Lampoon Movies used to be funny!
28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Remember Animal House and Vacation? Yup. Not so much this one.

So the plot is that Awesomest Maximus is the General for the city of Troy, which is about to go to war with the Greeks over "Ellen of Troy". The film mish-mashes elements from Troy, 300, and Gladiator.

With such rich material to work with, they come up rather short, going for cheap gags instead of funny ones, with a focus on gross-out humor. Will Sasso is likeable enough, but not funny, and most of the supporting cast was phoning it in. Throw in some racist, misogynistic, and homophobic "humor", and it kind of fall flat. They even take some digs at people with special needs/disabilities, because that's always funny.

I'd like to say it completely fails as a comedy, but there were a few scenes I laughed at.
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