Quantico: Who Are You? (2018)
Season 3, Episode 13
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Parrish clearly did an awful job of covering her tracks during her time dead/in hiding, given any and every criminal so far inclined has traced her every move and identified poor Andrea & Isabella, her unfortunate erstwhile Italian family. Makes you wonder if the authorities even bothered to try finding her.

Anyway, we begin at Eamon Devlin's funeral, supposedly in Dublin and with the entire police force hunting Conor and monitoring entry. It soon transpires that everyone in the Dublin police force is apparently at his beck and call. Now at this point if I was Irish I'd be absolutely fuming that my entire country is being portrayed as some backward little parish in the airtight grip of a minor criminal who hasn't even set foot there in decades. It just doesn't wash, any more than the idea that said police force would be taking orders from the FBI, who have about as much authority in Ireland as I do.

The team have eyes on Devlin, but for reasons unexplained (given from the start they are explicitly a black ops unit with licence to do anything they fancy including kill at random) they do sod all. Probably just as well, because he then plays his hand and reveals the Italian hostages before making his exit.

Now at this point it gets *somewhat* better. Evidently they've learned how to read and have finished The Art of War, and it turns out that Devlin has been deploying tactics based on the individual chapters in order - as you do. They decide to try a bit of this for themselves, and turn his second in command. Great! Here endeth the somewhat better part.

Armed with a location for the hostages our brave team sally forth. Despite allowing reinforcements to ride up on motorcycle and take positions within the property they had already set a perimeter around, they free Andrea and Isabella for a good several seconds. Needless to say young Isabella does what every child would do in the middle of a gunfight, and breaks free of her loving father's arms and runs away from him and the only mother she's ever known back in the direction of the stall they were imprisoned in, and into the grasp of Devlin.

Now at this point I'm sorry, but I'd have just opened fire and to hell with the collateral - you runs away you takes your chance - but there's runtime to fill and this isn't a real black ops team so killing kids is off the cards. So it passes that Andrea gets hysterical and distracts all of these trained agents while Devlin runs off with Isabella.

Back to the mansion to regroup and it's time for some recriminations, with Andrea and Alex facing off over her deceit and his endangered daughter. Not that there is actually any real clash because Harry is on hand to diffuse the loud American and passionate Italian as only an Englishman could - with a cuppa. Thank goodness and God save the Queen.

Sadly the awkward stalemate is interrupted by Devlin calling with a demand that Booth be delivered to a random housing estate - sorry, did I mention he wants Booth for killing his son? - and so every one gears up for yet another final showdown. They calculate that with seven of them they will have a 360 degree field of view and be able to execute him on sight. No, I don't know why it takes seven trained marksmen to command a 360 degree field of view either. And no, I don't know why at this moment it becomes OK to just kill him, it just does, OK?

This means we're off to get the bad guy, finally! Except Andrea insists on coming along too. I swear for a second I thought Alex was going to knock his lights out and I was living for it, but no. As any crack team of would be assassins might, they bundle him into the SUV as well because you know, the more the merrier.

It may come as no surprise that the showdown/exchange doesn't go to plan, with Andrea running out to make a fatherly plea to Devlin's obviously considerable humanity and being shot dead by him as a result. A pedant might point out that Owen survived being shot in the same place not too long ago, plus an extra shot for good measure, but in the world of Quantico we don't talk about such things. In any case consummate hero Ryan gives himself up and, give him his due, Devlin releases Isabella in return.

Back to the mansion and time to regroup again. This time we're *definitely* going to kill the bad guy and save - wait, who is it that's been stupid enough to get captured this time? -oh yeah, Ryan. Cue resolute "we'll get him back" scenes cut with some of him having the living daylights knocked out of him. Oh and he activates the transponder he had showing them exactly where he is. Which he definitely couldn't have activated before turning himself over.

Ryan's transponder coincides with Conor taking a break from smacking him about, and results in his almost immediate freeing, which of course explains why it couldn't be activated any earlier while Conor might still be there. All hostages rescued, Parrish now approaches one of the other 2 crime lords who apparently run all of Ireland (I told you the Irish would be pissed) and offers him a deal. She could've done this earlier but maybe they hadn't got to that part in The Art of War yet.

Cut to Devlin walking into a pub, surrounded by our heroes, and killed by the younger Devlin's second in command who with the FBI's blessing will now take over as, um, new crime boss of eastern Ireland? Hurrah for justice I guess? Anyway that's it. There's a few minutes of emotional wrap-up at the end for Alex but it feels cursory and hollow. And Ryan is alive? Dead? Oh who cares, it's finally over thank God.
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