Review of Ditched

Ditched (2021)
One of the most mind blowing endings in Horror history
18 February 2022
Have you seen those ads on social media for the movie DITCHED? One of the video ads features a woman who talks about a "messed up movie she just watched." Well, those ads aren't a joke, because DITCHED is a brutal movie. What I'm about to write going forward is more of a quick overview of how much I enjoyed the movie. I do plan to revisit DITCHED when it comes time to record a video review for my YouTube channel. As always, I'll do my best not to give anything away.

In the movie DITCHED, we follow a group of paramedics who are trapped and fighting for their lives. Their ambulance has overturned, and there's some slight confusion as to what happened. Accompanying the paramedics are a couple of (arrested) violent prisoners. Somehow the group was ambushed, and now they have to defend themselves against the militia that attacked them out in the middle of the woods.

DITCHED is one of the newest releases from the "Dread Presents" label of Epic Pictures Group. I've always been a big fan of what Dread puts out onto blu-ray. I watched the trailer for DITCHED months before its video-on-demand release. What peaked my interest was that the story being pitched felt contained. I'm a sucker for movies with simple premises in an enclosed space. Noticing that DITCHED was taking place mostly in the woods at night time, I was sold. On release day, I rented the movie and was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it.

To me, DITCHED is the epitome of "edge of your seat" entertainment. That feeling (for me) started at the very beginning. DITCHED opens to what feels like the middle of a story. It's the movie equivalent of being thrown into a lake, when you don't know how to swim. DITCHED feels heavily inspired by the works of John Carpenter. This becomes abundantly clear when you listen to the film's amazing score. The setting and action beats gave me ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 vibes.

DITCHED also features some tremendous performances from actor's Marika Sila, Kris Loranger, Lee Lopez and many others. Each actor brings their own level of intensity that fuels the shocks and suspense. What I love most about DITCHED is the violence itself. This is a sinister movie, and the amount of brutality shown will be pleasing to every blood thirsty gore hound. From what I could tell, DITCHED relied heavily on practical effects.

The only real issue I had with this movie comes from the writing. It felt (to me) that some of the narrative choices were off. Unfortunately, some of the tiresome horror tropes are present as well. I wasn't particularly fond of the dialog either. Even with that, I still had a wonderful time watching this movie. Every minor complaint I have doesn't ruin the overall experience. For a feature length debut, Christopher Donaldson and company did a spectacular job crafting DITCHED.

If any of this sounds appealing to you, then I would highly suggest giving DITCHED a watch. Rent it if you're still on the fence. I personally think you should just buy it. DITCHED is a gruesome edge of your seat thriller with one of the most mind blowing end credits in the history of horror. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that you should just buy the damn blu-ray. DITCHED is more than worth the money. It deserves to be apart of every physical media collection.

I give the movie DITCHED: 8/10 overturned ambulances.
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