F Is for Family: 'F' Is for Halloween (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
"F" Is For Family S1 E4 "F" Is For Halloween How could anyone ever love Frank? Wait! What?! Shouldn't that be "F" is for Falloween? Or "H" is for Halloween? Is this a test?
14 February 2022
"F" Is For Family S1 E4

"F" Is For Halloween

How could anyone ever love Frank?

Wait! What?! Shouldn't that be "F" is for Falloween? Or "H" is for Halloween?

Is this a test? I don't do well on tests. I have a nervous bladder.

At 00:12- There are hands sticking out of the stew pot but they magically disappear. <<<Goof.

Yes. I've heard of a diaphragm. It's the muscle that makes you breathe. Wait! Why are you hitting me, Karen? What? Ohhh. Really?! And all these years I just thought you were stretching it so I could get in easier. So: that's why we don't have any kids?

If our fence was shorter I could do that, too.

How did Kevin get stoned in, like, five seconds?

"White House beer. The one draft you won't want to dodge!"

Wait! What?! "Women will be vampires in the future"? Is there, like, a countdown or anything?!

Frank. You deserve to die. You continually crush your childern's spirits.

At 10:00- Hollywood cliche #054: childbirth is always a miracle. <<<Trivia.

Wait! What?! School lets out at five PM?
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