The 3-D Army (1989)
Wacky, and then some
19 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
THE 3-D ARMY (1989, original title Li ti qi bing) is an absolutely madcap slice of fantasy/horror from Taiwan with four plucky kids as the heroes of a plotling involving the traditional 'hopping vampires' and the machinations of an evil sorcerer. As with many Taiwanese films, it's pretty low in budget - even compared to rival fare from Hong Kong - but it makes up for that with a wealth of creativity and imagination. It starts off quite ordinarily (at least for Asia), with hopping vampires being herded into the local morgue and the kids befriending a fox spirit who takes the form of a little girl and her little friend Zombie (another hopping vampire). In the second half, the latter characters are trapped in a 'spirit house' (kind of like a magic doll's house) by the aforementioned sorcerer, and a rescue mission is attempted.

It's in this latter half where the film really gets going, as our athletic heroes show off a wealth of kung fu prowess while battling with myriad foes: creepy life-sized animated dolls, theatrical demons, hexes and curses, a particularly menacing hopping vampire which can make itself invisible at will, and of course the big bad himself, the sorcerer. Plenty of wacky SFX are on show here, along with a little toilet humour and the plain bizarre moments you see from this region. Not exactly what I'd describe as great, but it sure is entertaining...
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