NCIS: A Many Splendored Thing (2017)
Season 14, Episode 16
Bishop is The Fonz jumping over the shark episode.
25 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bishop has no reason that NCIS has given us as to her dark side. Example(no childhood tragedy, no rape, etc...) This isn't her first offensive either. Previous episodes she's also demonstrates that she is insubordination to anyone else's opinions or leadership. She's is a terrible character! She is so narcissistic and believes she's the only one who has the right to break LAWS and orders from higher ups. She acts like killing Chen was her decision and no one else's, especially Gibbs or Vance. She doesn't listen to her friend and co-worker Clayton who warns her. She's is a hot mess because of poor writing. She is no Ziva or Kate or Paula or even EJ. She's a fine actor, but the story line is so stupid.

Now, the Congresswoman acts like she's god, and she now runs NCIS ordering everyone around. She said in a previous show, that she works for her statespeople, 100%. She committed treason meeting with Chen & CIA and striking a deal with a known terrorist (aka-we don't make deals with terrorists). Why isn't she in jail waiting for the hangman's noose? Once again though, she's a good actor but the writers had very poor writing skills. I can't believe Mark Harmon(since he's the executive producer), allowed this horrible story line to transpire. This was not one of their finest seasons with writing.
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