Not a very inspiring plot along with weak sub characters
21 August 2021
Entertaining, yes but i'm afraid the original magic we got from the first three films are truely lost.

Johnny Depp gives next to no original heart to his character anymore, maybe it's age or maybe it's Dick Cook getting fired which i read it was Cook that helped Depp give commitment for the original trilogy in the first place.

The plot was straight forward, CGI villain needs revenge. It seems very bland when you think about it, but they added a load of subplots to pass extra time but this didn't justify. They even added in Jack's past to make it look more authentic.

Disney seem to have looked at the advance in visual effects and budget from the profit they started making from Marvel movies and used it to make another shot at a Pirates of the Carribean installment. Was this necessary? It could have been if made better.

It just, didn't look like much heart was given into this movie. It looked more like the pursue for better visual effects to gain more box office money.

Like "On Stranger Tides" i welcome this movie to the franchise but it's grasp for originality is still sloping down to the bottom of the sea.
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