Doctor Who: The Wheel of Fortune (1965)
Season 2, Episode 24
Nothing makes sense these days.
1 August 2021
Barbara is lucky enough to find an ally, someone with a real grudge against one that means her harm, El Akir. Vicki is taken under the wing of the real Joanna, after the little deception is discovered.

It's a good solid episode, the story continues to be very strong, and the acting first rate, it has plenty of positives. I am really glad this episode is one that exists, I think I would have struggled here if only the audio existed, its main strengths are its visuals.

The scene about Vicki's real identity is an amusing moment, you do perhaps need to stretch your imagination to believe in her as a boy. The best scene coming where a concealed Barbara and Safiya hide from The Guards, she is forced to make a tough decision, it's a great scene.

The best element here, as with the previous episode is definitely Hartnell, THE ORIGINAL, THE FIRST Doctor, his performance is commanding.

Lots of lovely sets and costumes throughout, it looks very smart, a great job by the designers.

Enjoyed that, 8/10.
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