Low Budget Suckers
31 July 2021
The question you have to ask yourself is this: how much slack are you willing to cut this? You have to be aware that this is like an amateur hour kind of thing. I don't mean this necessarily in a bad way. We all have different tastes, some like big budget extravaganzas, others like movies that seem to have been made by a couple of friends.

Having said that, you can tell by the humor not much time went into the script. Maybe even every other idea that sounded good to whoever was responsible for it got thrown it - maybe some of the so called actors contributed. Again, all a matter of taste. No pun intended - though I will assume you are not into human flesh.

Jokes aside, the movie knows what it is and everyone involved probably had a hoot and a blast making it. Doesn't mean you will have too ... but you might.
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