Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rapture (1996)
Season 5, Episode 10
The march towards serialization.
19 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, we are heading into serialized star trek territory and it becomes a bit of a challenge to properly review episodes that end up being only a few brush strokes on a painting. How does one review an episode who's meaning only becomes known in future episodes?!

If the goal of the episode was to confirm sisko's belief in being the emissary then it was a rousing success but from an engagement point of view I was not exactly on the edge of my seat. Some have stated that this episode was an examination of the reactions from different type of belief systems to the dilemma faced by Sisko's life being in peril if the visions are allowed to continue ----- I suppose that is the case. They took a real soft ball approach to a close examination of the conflicts between these differing view points.

Not enough in this episode for me. I suppose you can call it a prologue episode.
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