Ultra cheap but brilliant violent crime movie, screaming for a Bluray release.
13 July 2021
I discovered this film while watching a "Death in Haiti" on a WVP (Greece) ex-rental some decades ago. When the movie ended, I noticed the manufakturer had recorded the film over a previously released film of theirs, so when "Death in Haiti" ended, suddenly comes the ending of "No alla violenza/ Death hunt" and this ending really caught my interest - as well as the ending credits music by Alberto Baldan Bembo. Some searching later I knew what film this was, tracked down a VWP original on Ebay and later also a swedish one. Given it is a very low budget film, it has very good acting and is surprisingly violent. A similar film would be "Violence for kicks", but this one is a lot better. Worth mentioning this is another Tano Cimarosa directed/acted film, and he doesn't disappoint, as goes for Al Cliver in one of my favorite roles. He even does his own stunts in this one. Cigar to the boutique bluray company who manages to secure and restore prints of this one and Tano Cimarosa's equally violent giallo "Reflections in black". Tano deserves a career spanning documentary as well, what a character he must have been! Sicily's own b-movie legend.
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