The truth behind the "syndrome"
4 July 2021
Jag är svensk och följde detta när det år efter avslöjades vad som faktiskt var felet. I am Swedish and followed this when it years after was exposed what was actually the problem. A stronger hand was used later on when this was studied. Then the parents were seperated from the children, and magic ensued where the previously comatose-like condition seized to be. Parents were exposed to be the cause of the problem, it was a try to stop extradition as Swedish law won't let the state extradite to a harmful place to the individual or under some other circumstances (was too long ago to paraphrase a close to exact paragraph of law) to avoid returning to none harmful nations.

Politically speaking about the surrounding immigration problems: Swedish citizens have started to turn against the rightwing concept of a multicultural society which was introduced by the right wing think tank Timbro in Swedish mainstream discourse. The moderates (conservatives) wanted the cheap labour (to put pressure on unions) and to disrupt the socialdemocratic side (voting tendencies of immigrants favour regressive policies due the leap from their own nations norms to a progressive nation is large - so a backlash is commonplace) who build Swedish wellfare and has had more or less monopoly on the power (excluding later years when they have become social liberal by not being strong enough to stand against EU).

The socialdemocrats are for immigration for the increase taxes an increasing population brings, this is needed due to debt being stacked onto Sweden (the overwhelming majority of the debt 1200 miljarder kr) as Carl Bildt locked the exchange rate of the krona so that currency speculation could occur (early 90's), a person that has had the support of american agencies since his youth days and is involved in big oil. Oh, and the left is in it for the moral reason (which is partially akward due to it draining the nations from political will to change), while the greens support vast immigration to get a seat at the table of real power (behind the scenes in "monteaskewing", if u cath the pun). So overall this has lead to Sweden Democrats (who started out using an old socialdemocratic platform as base for their political manifesto) gaining alot of votes early on, then swapping over to the right wing fascist side as conservatives agreed to cooperate with them while social democrats did not (and yeah most likely due to undercurrents within the party aswell).

The immigration also causes tention because immigrants tend to use wellfare in an alot higher degree (on average around 80% more than the general indigenous population) which puts tension on the wellfare system (causing the state to decrease medicines prescribed and things like that), with the added poverty as immigrants have previously been able to choose where to settle (causing detriment to the actual immigration of the personas into the culture) overloading city suburbs and causing areas which corporations and stores avoid which results in less jobs, higher poverty and with poverty comes increasing crime. Ontop of that crime syndicates have both formed and immigrated to Sweden wholesale (families who are dedicated to crime and can't yet be extradited due to legal demands on extradition measures of groups).
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