Something's Afoot (1982 TV Movie)
And then there was song!
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Considering the way he died, we know it wasn't suicide!" So sings island mansion guest Jean Stapleton while singing the title song, adding on "And the butler didn't do it!" I've seen this plotline in B movies several dozen times, and not with songs attached. This London filmed for cable production ("Broadway on Showtime") is in major need of rediscovery and certainly remastering because the tinny sound is very distracting. Stapleton and the group of clichéd guests arrive on the island where they immediately discover that their host has been murdered, and the Miss Marple like Stapleton immediately takes charge.

Originally done regionally, this had a fairly successful Broadway run in 1976, and it's a perfect vehicle for the beloved former Edith Bunker right before she was given the opportunity to play Jessica Fletcher which of course ended up going to Angela Lansbury whom Stapleton seems to be emulating from "The Mirror Crack'd". Andy Gibb emulates the young Tommy Steele in his role as a college athlete who has made his way to the island after a boating accident, a convenient twist that makes him an instant suspect.

While the score isn't particularly memorable, it has its moments, particularly Stapleton's big production number "Don't Be Afraid", it's difficult not to see this as a higher budget community theater production, one that requires a larger than life leading lady. Bits and pieces of the plot seem to be taken from each of the several dozen movies I've seen with a similar plotline, so there's absolutely no originality to it. The farce was similar to the London and Broadway hit of the time, "Noises Off!!" so it's pleasing in that sense, but not the type of theater that challenges audiences. You begin to expect a stage manager to show up, directing the cast and for bits of the set to fall off the wall. Fortunately, that and the plate of sardines are missing.
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