Review of The Trader

The Trader (2018)
19 June 2021
Without any need for a voice-over narration, this short (23 min) film follows a Georgian trader into rural Georgia where he trades tat and throwaway trash with the locals for what is effectively the currency of potatoes. That's it.

But that description tells you nothing about the stunning 'old world' poverty of the rural people he visits, or indeed if their incredible wide-eyed wonder when they see his tatty almost worthless wares, as if he had shown them true wonders and rare jewels.

Others have said it here; this is an eye-opener, in so many ways. Watch it (on Netflix). It will show you a part of Europe you probably had no idea still existed in the 20th, let alone in the 21st century. Brilliant, simple, filmmaking. Bravo!
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