Review of Blue Call

Blue Call (2021)
its a never ending story...
6 May 2021
As in the professional lives over every healthcare worker in real life, peoples comes and goes, some goes for good as you will find out in this little curious psedohorror flick that tells the story about missus'' paramedic death''.

Death may have a natural course, even a legal one, then comes the euthanasic one that can easily be mixed up with actual overdosis cases and suicide victims. This might be a good starting ramp for a paramedic serial killer, not nescesarilly due to the urge for death, but alos done within the realms of empathy its often split second decisions that makes the way the pivot goes , also whats in the emergency bag can be of great importance. So when being ptsd in the proffesional work in the ambulance when adrenaline kicks in and the brain snaps in a fight or flight, medicine might be used unauthoriced russian roulettan way or just due to coincidental mixup of the chemical compounds due to blurry vision, that may actually hurt or kill the wounded. And as stress becomes more invigorous the consciencesousness goes flat and the gridline to use it as a lifesaver or as a retrebutal tool of revenge to threats in a ptsd'd persons life is short way apart.

This film shows these hardships to some extent and maybe copycatted by some in real life too. The storyline is alright, but the plotting couldve given a better view on timeline. Things like this doesnt happen in 24 hours chop, chop, chop. The acting are pretty plausible, more ravaged by bad filming and bad studio settings rather than actoral abilities. Riding the ambulance is like driving a car in a film from the 1930's, and the rocking motion of the vehicle when seen from upfront is bad rookie quality baby craddle motions. Also a bit too much close up faces and weird lights inside the ambulance and at indoor emergencies can be too much to swallow.

But its an interesting take on the paramedic profession, many will nod in reckognicion, and may wish euthanasial lawmaking could be a bit more humanized in a human ethical way, allthough playing all mighty himself until further notice is the all mightys job in most peoples minds, e.g. Them who has never seen suffering or have never seen a mercyful legal death procedure in practice .

The grumpy old man gives a fiver with some ambivalence, it could easily be an 8 or 9 with better filming and budget, but its worth the watch thinks the grumpy old man.
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