Review of 32 Weeks

32 Weeks (2020)
Slow-Paced Amnesia Film
27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
True to its title, "32 Weeks" felt so long that I sensed that I was getting a case of amnesia in watching it!

Cole Hunter is a violin instructor who experiences amnesia after a serious automobile accident. During her period of recovery, she is comforted by Simon Long with whom she had started a relationship shortly before the accident. Another former boyfriend is Warren Zink, and Simon informs Cole that Warren had been stalking her prior to the accident. Slowly, Cole begins to piece together the sequence of events that led to the car crash.

The likable acting ensemble was forced to work with substandard material. The film's pacing was sluggish, and there was not a sufficient build-up to the film's bombshell revelation that Cole had been drugged, raped, and essentially left for dead in the car crash.

A problem with the screenplay was that the two men in Cole's life, Simon and Warren, were not very well developed characters. At one point, Cole is running a computer background check on Warren, but the results are never revealed. Apparently, he had an arrest record. Similarly, Simon is also quite the mystery man until main plot twist is revealed.

"Amnesia" films are always intriguing. But this one was subpar due to the static nature of the action and the surprise ending that did not entirely mesh with the rest of the film. For a compelling drama, there needed to be hints along the way to elicit interest in the audience. Sadly, the characters were wooden in the mediocre indie film.
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