Reality TV boxer
19 March 2021
If film titles were honest - I have to admit, I had no clue what to expect from this and I never had seen it before. Orlando was famous back then, though not someone I was particularly following. Yes Lord of the Rings and yes Pirates of the Caribbean, but I did not have him on my radar like some of the female (and male I reckon) audience had him - from the later series I was more of a Johnny Depp anyway. And his character of course - and I still am.

But back to this boxer shooting suddenly to fame and not being able to handle it. Especially because he gets quite the awful advice ... the movie is quite fun and the "found footage" or reality tv schtick (like edtv I reckon) did not bother me at all. It was quite fun overall ... apart from the end fight, which felt a bit ... wrong, but I guess I just wasn't too fond of the joke that was being made.

It's a bit hit and miss but has its heart in the right place - like any good boxer! Unforgiveable though? Using the Rocky music in a training sequence! Not cool, dos not work at all - and I know it is meant to be funny - not funny either
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