Ram Ke Naam (1992)
By far the best documentary I have ever seen!
16 March 2021
Given the topic of Ayodhya mandir and masjid is certainly the most delicate and controversial topic in Indian history! This topic was first used by Britishers to break the harmony between Hindu and Muslims so they won't be a problem in their imperial rule. And years later this topic set the bricks to the base of facist party of Lal Krishna Advani! Who brainwashed half of Hindus giving rise to Bhartiya Janta Party. This doesn't stops here. Since I was born.. in every election I have seen, this particular topic is being used as a big weapon and has more importance than issues like economy, employment, poverty, education, etc. And the fun fact is it being more reasonable to the important issues I've stated above . Doomed as a country , leaders of that ideology are now rulers of India. After 28 years of this documentary and years of violence and brainwashing.. the Supreme Court gave green flag to Mandir construction, a historical decision. So the end of it all ? Does it stop ? So it's done and now people can focus on real issues ? Hopefully they are smart enough? OR the mandir was just a way to spark madness by using beliefs and faith of people for their own profit! So as the decision is made and expectations of peaceful India is in our mind ? Or people realise the truth of this divide and conquer approach of BJP . They first used mandir as a weapon for their vote bank and you'll as some point realise they'll eventually find a new way to brainwash people to fight against each other and continue to grow their vote bank with divide and conquer approach.

The documentary ends with verses that were composed by Kabir and gives a perfect conclusion to the whole thing.

" Saints, I see The world is mad If I tell the truth They rush to beat me If I lie they trust me Hindus claim Ram as the One Muslims claim Rahim Then they kill each other Knowing not The essence With prayer beads and caps And brows of holy paint They lose themselves In sacred hymns but Know not their own souls Many holy men I've seen Teachers of holy books Who acquire disciples Venerate graves But know not God The world goes on Like this and yet They call me mad But Kabir says , listen Who's the one insane? "
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