Run Uje Run (2020)
A beautiful art piece
14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Spring Uje spring" ("Run Uje run") vividly envisions the reality of Uje's situation. He gets the diagnosis Parkinsons Disorder thrown at him and does some research afterwards, learning about the longterm struggles, all the not-so-well-known symptoms and the sudden personality changes Parkinsons gives a person. After being diagnosed he didn't tell his family and close ones immediatly, I believe the research and diagnosis scared him. The viewer don't know a lot about his life before he got Parkinsons, but the glimpse we got seemed functional. After the diagnosis he got easily frustrated, incredibly self indulgent and very passive aggressive. I believe that was not necessarily caused by Parkinsons directly, but rather what emotions this disorder caused him and how he handled them.

By the end of the movie we have followed Uje through his lowest, we have seen him struggle - not only with Parkinsons, but with his job, relations and hobbies. When Uje leaves that party, I was worried. No one understood why he suddenly left after such a joyfull experience. All his loved ones were there to congratulate him, even his son who lives very far away and even his bandmembers whom he had showed anger towards only a few days prior. He had been showed so much love - and he left.

He enters a space that beautifully depicts how he envisions his disorder and how he thinks his close ones and strangers would view him if they knew about it. This part is what swept me away. It used common themes throughout the movie as well as memorable one time events to very straightforward show the viewer Uje's reality. Perhaps, even acceptance. His wife confronts him about his strange behavior, and he tells her that he has Parkinsons, and this scene was so realistic and wonderful. What are you suppose to say to someone who only knows a little less about Parkinsons than you, who has the disorder? How do you tell them in a way that makes them understand what you're going through, and what you might go through? When do you find the "right time" in a busy everyday life? This movie picks these questions apart and answers with a gray "there is no right answer". There is never just one way to go, and there is no right answer. You will have to make that path yourself. This movie shows that the path can be rough and have obstacles, you might feel stuck and it might seem hopeless to you at times - but if you keep moving forward you will eventually, no matter what your path looked like, find your way through, and I think that is a beautiful message, no matter how cheesy it sounds. "Everything will be alright."
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