Ed Burns project
20 December 2020
Written, directed, AND starring... Ed Burns. that's not always a good thing when the same person writes, directs, and stars.. here, Gerry Fitzgerald wants to round up the whole family for a get-together for mom's birthday. just listening to Gerry and mom talk over the plans, it already sounds like a huge passive aggressive fest waiting to happen. typical family shenanigans are about to ensue. except the siblings all bail on Gerry's party. the whole family will get together on christmas in a couple days, and family can only take so much of each other. family emotions, stories, guilt, secrets. and now the father who walked out years ago wants to visit. perfect cocktail for trouble. Connie Britton is nurse Nora, who looks after Gerry's neighbor... and sparks start to fly. it's okay.a bit hallmarkish.
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