11 December 2020
My review title is a line from the original movie and more than fits here.

Wow! I actually gave this a shot and enjoyed the first couple of episodes even though I was like "ehhhh on some of the inaccuracies. Then this show turned into something akin to the "OC" with dramatic events and infidelities exposed.

They made Slayton sound like a meathead, Grissom seem mentally challenged and went over the top with Coopers story. This was written by people who really do hate accomplishments that others have done before them. They instead want to focus on the negative qualities in everyone, rather than focus on the achievements that these pioneers and trailblazers set. This is a dystopian version of events that happened surrounding the Mercury Program.

Watch the original Right Stuff as well as the first and 5th episodes of "From the Earth to the Moon". They focus on the accomplishments of the Mercury guys (combined with the "new nine" and later groups that got us to the moon), Alan Sheppard and his affliction with Meneres (sic) Disease. Read some books and bios about these great men and women and not this drivel that the Walt Disney company put out.

I'm gonna say that again. The Walt Disney Company. Walt who did stand for American Values and projecting the positive in people. Now run by people who can only accomplish by ripping down those who came before. For shame.
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