Dash & Lily (2020)
Definitely worth a try!
19 November 2020
I just binged this show, so here I go: In general, this was fun to watch. It has cliches, but the premise is pretty interesting and fun to watch. Just some keypoints for more structure:

Characters: I like most of the characters, the biggest issue is that the main characters are not the greatest. I have some issues with Lily. She's the stereotypical "Not like other girls", she doesn't have any female friends (on that matter, not any friends at all, but more on that later), which I really don't like. Girls are constantly portayed as bad beside from her, which is just...not great. She doesn't have any friends, which I don't think is realistic, even the "Weird" people usually have friends, as a fellow introvert and bookworm, I can indeed confirm I actually have friends. I do like her character growth in this Dash is a bit better, and I actually think he becomes more likable over the course of the story. I don't love him, but he was quite enjoyable to watch. He's not super fleshed out, but he's ok. I like the side characters quite a lot, Sofia is great, and the ending made me really happy for her. In general, the side characters are pretty cool.

The story/Pacing: Nothing insanely creative, but intruiging enough to keep watching. Especially the first three episodes are really good, after that is definitely gets worse. You could've wrapped this up in maximum 6 episodes, and it would've been better. I started to become a bit bored around episode 4, and I was already in too deep to stop, so I finished it.

The Romance: It starts of good, but their chemistry isn't that good, which makes the whole story a bit...pointless?

After I've mentioned quite a lot of criticism, I enjoyed this show. It's a cliche christmas show, but if you're into that, you're going to enjoy this one as well. It's also quite short, so even if you didn't absolutely love it, you didn' waste that much time. Is definitley worth giving a try!
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