The Ben Shapiro Show (2015 Podcast Series)
Love Him or Hate Him, Ben Is a Modern Cultural Icon.
18 November 2020
I recommending watching a few week of Ben's show before you run him under the bus, including his Sunday Special. I am one of the few who are probably in the middle in regards to Ben, sometimes, as a political and cultural commentator, he is spot on. His review of "WAP" and "Commander in Chief" are two of the funniest things I have seen in a long time, I actually hadn't realized just how funny he was until I watched those; he has a very dry and sardonic sense of humor. This humor occasionally rears it's head in the regular show, but not often, it is very sporadic.

Unlike what some people who have been brainwashed think, He isn't part of the MAGA crowd, he did vote for Trump in 2020, but not 2016. He voted for him because he loves him, but because he was the best option this election. Ben is actually pretty even handed, and tends to look at things differently than a lot of conservatives, he seems to believe man-made global warming aka climate change(a deceptive term), at least to some degree, is a thing, or at the very least, we should mitigate emissions and, if a power source is better, switch to it so that we can have less emissions, but not with government, free market options, which work better, go do your own research.

He is not only Jewish, but and Orthodox Jew, religiously, so he generally holds to an Old Testament Biblical ethic, meaning marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman, sexual immorality is a thing and a sin, and men are men women are women, etc. However, he has also said this many times on his show and elsewhere, that if he had a trans friend, he would not call them a he even if they were biologically, in public, because he wouldn't want to needlessly embarrass them. In other words; Ben is not a total jerk.

Ben also does some fantastic interviews on Sundays, having various conservative figures, and I believe, ther political ideologies too, at times. Ben doesn't berate his interviewees, and he lets them talk and answer the questions rather than steamrolling in and bashing them over the head with his opinion.

Bottom line is, people hate Ben because he holds a hard line and has strong beliefs that he expresses, but Ben is not bigot. He is allowed, at least at this point, to have those opinions, it is religious freedom, he doesn't incite violence, he incites reason, and that seems to bother a lot of people. Are his arguments all airtight? No, no one's are. I have watched his show or debates and gone "Ben! Come on! Why didn't you say this instead???" If anything, I actually think he is too nice at times, but those who despise him, do not see the kind and, at times, almost meek, side to him. He is adamant that "fact don't care about your feelings", and that is true, yet he does actually clearly care about people, he cares so much, he tries to present the facts, as best as he sees them, to help others see the truth.

He did some fantastic, and even handed commentary on the political debates, especially in regards to Trump, he has no problem pointing out where Trump went wrong and needed to improve. He does his best to not generally take a side, despite his personal opinions, at least in regards to the debate. If there is a clear winner, he concedes it, or he'll state what he liked specifically, but mostly, he tries to just show why each individual thing did or didn't work, and that makes for a good way to learn how to debate better in general.

Again, I am not a huge fan of his, I believe he has dropped the ball in regards to Covid, and seems to ignore so much old and recent science that shows that the mask cannot filter out the virus, and he seems to go back and forth on things with masks solely based on what other countries are doing or their supposed success rates, but if facts don't care about your feelings, let's present what we knew prior to the "pandemic", and take this chance to get the truth out there. That is just one example where are very much disagree with Ben, and it makes me mad every time I hear him talk about it, but I watch it anyway because I can disagree with someone, and still like listening to them or see the value in much of what they say.

Ben is divisive, but not wrongfully, he is what he is, and he, unlike the mainstream media, is not pretending the riots didn't happen or that they are "mostly peaceful", and that white supremacy is the problem. Even though I disagree with him on Covid based on data I've seen, I also commend him for being level headed and not fear mongering and using ridiculous hyperbolic terms to scare people such as "raging", "super spreader", "hot spots", etc. Love him or hate him, he is for more level headed than many of these delusional reviewers on here give him credit for, and they do the very things they project onto him(which Ben doesn't do).
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