Weakest Link (2020– )
The negative reviewers spoke too soon!
18 October 2020
I was a huge fan of the original US version with Ann Robinson and was looking forward to this. Jane Lynch is an all-time crush of mine, and I just knew she would ace this gig! That being said, the first episode was lackluster. Some of the lines fell flat, the chemistry between everyone felt blah, and the show, while okay, just struck me as generally, dare I say- WEAK.

HOWEVER! I wasn't ready to give up on it, so went back a few weeks later, and watched 2 more episodes, back to back on Hulu- with another the next day! That's how good it became- so good, I binged it! Don't write this show off. It is a winner!!

And for all those complaining that Jane isn't as good as Ann, I think you are letting nostalgia blind you to how good Jane Lynch really is as hostess of this program! Don't believe me? Go back on YouTube and watch the premier episode of the US version from 2001 that Ann hosted, and you'll see right away how good Jane really is at holding her own! In fact, the whole show is actually an IMPROVEMENT over the original, because while maintaining the ingredients that made the other work, it has a better set, massively better lighting, and just overall better feel. And again, I say that as someone who loved the original!

And for those complaining about the easy questions, saying that the show isn't challenging enough, I say a gameshow isn't great because of how hard it is, but because of how engaging it is. This version of The Weakest Link is VERY engaging BECAUSE of the easy-ish questions, allowing those at home to literally be able to play along, which adds to the fun. And at the same time, the show is still challenging enough to be not only entertaining, but educational too. You will come away from it smarter than before- if not in actual trivia, then in humor!

Anyone who appreciates classic quiz shows with wicked good humor, the likes of which I haven't seen since Match Game of the 1970s- then watch this! Watch it and keep it on the air!
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