Monsterland (2016)
Hugely enjoyable beast bash
6 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A man takes shelter from a monster outbreak in a movie theater where he watches a handful of short creature features.

"Don't Go Into the Lake" - Pretty slight, but mercifully brief, plus it has a few nice bare breasts and some cool gore.

"The Grey Matter" - Cute and funny tale of a nerdy guy who takes pointers on how to pick up gals from a brain-eating parasite.

"Curiosity Kills" - Uproariously zany hoot with a radioactive rodent running amuck.

"Hag" - Excellent creepy atmosphere and a spot-on grotesque turn by Eileen Dietz as a hideous old crone.

"Monster Man" - Funky animated riot. The old monster-killing dude with a walker is a gut-busting joy to behold in action.

"House Call" - Black comedy gem in which a man who's slowly turning into a vampire forces a dentist at gunpoint to remove his fangs. Lots of tension and a satisfying serving of nasty violence, too.

"Happy Memories" - Gloriously trippy marvel with puppets and a plethora of mind-melting psychedelic visuals.

"Stay at Home Dad" - Man, this one was deliciously messed-up and sidesplitting in equal measure.

"Hellyfish" - Delightfully bonkers corker with lethal mutant jellyfish wreaking plentiful gory havoc.
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