The Last Slumber Party (1988 Video)
The worst!
3 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you're going to watch a slumber party, why not one that promises to be the final one?

I mean, just listen to this sell copy: "The plot is twisted inside out, leaving you stunned and clinging to your chair as you witness shock after horrifying shock. The ending will leave you breathless. And now, the blood flows like wine."

Six popular teens and a science nerd plan on spending three months of partying when a parent goes away, but said parent is also a doctor who was planning on lobotomizing a mental patient who has stolen a scalpal and headed to get some pre-emptive payback. Steve Tyler wrote, directed and stars in this and it's the only movie where not one, but two maniacs in scrubs wipe out teenagers.

It's also among the worst movies I've ever seen, which seems like an astounding effort after the double digit Jess Franco movies that I've put myself through.

Also the killer's name is Mr. Randles, which does not randle off the tongue quite like Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers.

This is a movie that has three endings while also being shot on video and film at the very same time. No, it's not going for a mixed media effect. It's just inept, which makes me kind of love it in the way you fall for the biggest charity case in the dog pound. But man, it does have a nice poster.

You may be astounded by the sheer volume of anti-homosexual slurs in this movie. And guess what - the ones saying it are supposed to be the heroes! And then there's the dream sequence which has nothing to do with anything else before or after that seems like it could be one of the many endings to this movie.

This movie makes Terror at Tenkiller look like Tenebre. And that, my friends, is a real feat.

Bring all the alcohol and drugs you have to survive this last slumber event or perhaps just watch Slumber Party Massacre II.
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