The Ben Shapiro Show (2015 Podcast Series)
An Honest Review
29 September 2020
I think it was Candice Owens that described him as a "lovable hall monitor" and that is a pretty apt description.

And another reviewer called him "measured" and that is also a pretty apt description.

Unfortunately they are both right. And Ben Shapiro is, honestly, right as well on most of his takes. But the Hall Monitor aspect of his personality gets in his way a little too much and it gets pretty apparent, pretty fast, that he can successfully assess a situation on a logical level, but he has a hard time making that connection with people.

His take on a lot of situations is accurate, but he doesn't seem to understand that humans aren't measured and logical and he seems to fail to understand how people can even come to the right conclusions using the wrong methods, let along the wrong conclusions.

So as smart as he is, as right his assessments of situations are, he loses hard when it comes to understanding people, and that is a fatal flaw for any news caster.

So I won't tell you NOT to watch him, because you will learn something, he will teach you. But I'll warn you not to take him too literally, because the lack of understanding human nature means he only partially understands the situations.

Logically he's right, but he's trying to access civilization and society, and that is made by people, and people are chaotic, irrational, and emotional. And you are missing that half of the picture if you have too much faith in him.
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