Tense steel
23 August 2020
Had absolutely no doubt that 1952's 'The Steel Trap' would be an at least good film. Absolutely loved the concept, the type that is quite up my street when it comes to films and when done well the result is great. Have liked both Joseph Cotten and Teresa Wright in other films and knew from Alfred Hitchcock's classic 'Shadow of a Doubt' that they worked very well together and that Cotten could play the sort of role he plays here with no problem.

'The Steel Trap' didn't disappoint at all. Completely agree with all of the users that have written of the film favourably and don't have an awful lot to add to their very well expressed reasoning. It may not quite be a classic and it is not quite on the same level as, briefly comparing, 'Shadow of a Doubt', but 'Steel Trap' is a fine example of a very good film with many brilliant elements. One of the better films seen for the first time this week on the whole in a mixed bunch quality-wise.

By all means the film isn't perfect. To me, it was too dimly lit in spots.

While unexpected the ending was a bit too abrupt and didn't quite gel with the rest of the film. It is true that there are some ridiculous spots, but to me it was not near as improbable as has been made out by some.

Any of those not so convincing spots are more than compensated and outweighed the literally non-stop high level of suspense, with the heisting being especially well staged and suitably panic inducing. The story is a very clever one and never felt too obvious or too convoluted with plenty of diverting and surprising turns. The script is tautly structured and has plenty of intriguing and entertaining lines. The direction is always efficient and stops the film from becoming dull or routine.

Despite the lighting being on the dim side, the photography is suitably stylish and has atmosphere. Dmitri Tiomkin's score is a mix of cheerful (in spots) and ominous with typically lush orchestration. Both Cotten and Wright are excellent. Especially Cotten, who balances fraught intensity and easy going likeability adeptly, one oddly roots for him but is freaked out by him at the same time. Wright's role is less interesting but she is appealing in it, the two scintillate together. The supporting cast are all fine but not quite on par with the leads.

Concluding, very good. 8/10
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