Another Above-Average Spaghetti Western
6 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This interesting Spaghetti western remake of Henry Hathaway's classic South American western "Garden of Evil" starts off strongly but flounders into formula during his final quarter-hour. As Joe Collins in a shield shirt, Jeffrey Hunter makes a convincing amoral gunslinger who smuggles guns and has a spurt of consciousness when a desperate woman, Lisa Martin (Pascale Petit) pleads with Collins to help her husband, Paul Martin (Piero Lulli of "My Name Is Nobody"), who is trapped at a mine after he triggered a landslide driving off Chato's pistoleros with bundles of dynamite. Eventually, the wife offers $100 in gold to anybody who will help them. Future "Sartana" director Giuliano Carnimeo refrains from gimmicks and even has his characters reloading their revolvers in some scene. Instead of lethal Indians with poisoned arrows, "Find A Place to Die" replaces them with notorious Mexican bandits. Okay, that was entirely expected. The two villains fight over the gold, and the body count mounts into double-digits. The Spanish scenery is appropriately rugged, and Gianni Ferrio's orchestral musical score overshadows this shoot'em up with its melodic artistry. Actress Daniela Giordano plays a guitar-playing gal who warbles tunes and curries favor with the chief outlaw, Chato (Mario Dardanelli of "Django Kills Softly"), while her boyfriend, fast-draw gunman Paco (Reza Fazeli of "Tears of an Orphan") watches over her. At one point, Paco challenges Joe Collins and shoots Collin's Stetson off his noggin. In classic "For a Few Dollars More" style, Collins not only shoots Paco's hat off with his Winchester repeater but also he drills the hat as it flies overhead. Plenty of action.
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