The Empire Strikes Back of Avatar
6 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever a sequel makes a dark turn people call it the "Empire Strikes Back of whatever franchise it is." This "kids" show had gotten more mature over the second season and it completed its turn to the dark side in this final episode. It deals with complex themes such as death, losing the one you love, regression, and betrayal.

However, that's not why I'm comparing it to the Star Wars sequel. Its because "The Crossroads of Destiny" mimicks the structure of the final act of the movie. Aang is completing his training with the Guru, but his friends are in trouble, so he leaves before he is ready. In Ba Sing Se, the heroes find out that the enemy is already on the inside. Zuko and Iroh are betrayed at a meal. Finally the heroes depart wounded in a situation more desperate than before. This isn't a critique just an observation. I love the ESB and I also love TCOD. I honestly just thought of it and wanted to sharer it somewhere. If that's really lame then I don't know what to tell you, you're reading it.
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