Musical Chair (2020)
Lacklustre Philosophical Mess / 3 Stars
12 July 2020
Musical Chair starts out well with a story about a middle-aged man (Vipin Atley) who has a constant fear of death but is not ready to change his unhealthy lifestyle that mainly involves anxiety-induced smoking, alcohol consumption, and non-vegetarianism. Some of this has to do with trauma and Atley takes the story forward well until philosophy enters the plot. Mildly anti-religious and often straying into aimless storytelling, it then becomes tedious to follow the sequences which look like stitched pieces shot at random. Cast performance is not great either that is only shadowed by the poor production setup and an overall cloud of effortlessness. Atley has previously given us at least two cool products but this one here is a terrible miss. Musical Chair, at the end, somehow reminded me of Trance (2020), Ee. Ma. Yau (2018), and Shavam (2015). TN.

(Watched on Mainstream TV.)
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