Taxi Driver (1976)
Timeless Classic
2 July 2020
I'll start with the things I liked about this movie. Scorsese does an amazing job painting a picture on the canvas, and portraying every single shot in a phenomenal fashion. De Niro also delivers a powerful performance as a mentally overwhelmed person. It is obvious as the movie progresses that the timeline can become messy, and time can become confusing. The combination of Scorsese, along with De Niro's performance make this a great movie.

Now with the things I wasn't too fond of. The storyline seems very confusing, and twisty turny. It gets to a point where you're left spinning in circles in confusion. At some points I really wasn't sure what the point of doing this or that was. But, the list of negatives is far shorter than my likes, and it is still a great movie, but not worthy of anything higher.
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